Planet Comic Con!!

I cannot believe I haven’t already written about this already. I’m excited to announce in February 2018 I will be attending Planet Comic Con in Kansas City, MO, and meeting Jason Momoa! I am super excited to meet him even though I don’t watch Game of Thrones, I’m still a big fan of him as Aquaman from Justice League. My friend hasn’t been to a comic book convention so this will be a new experience for her too. We will be planning on driving there which I’m happy about because I enjoy road trips.

As far as our tickets go, me and my friend decided against getting a picture with Jason. It was expensive and the pictures to me look really awkward. An autograph though, that will last a lifetime. I’m planning on bringing a New 52 Justice League graphic novel for him to sign since I enjoyed Justice League and I’m interested in his solo Aquaman movie. Also Matthew Lewis aka. Neville Longbottom will be there and me and my friend might pay for his autograph.

Besides the autographs, I’m excited to spend money on comics and cosplay for this comic con. I have never been to Planet Comic Con so I have no idea what to expect. I’m a very casual cosplayer as in I would rather thrift a cosplay together than hand-sew pieces of cloth. I’m sure once I know who I’m cosplaying, I’ll make a post about it here.

February 2018 cannot come faster. I’m happy to escape the MN area and explore other comic book conventions out of state. The next comic con I want to attend would be C2E2 or New York Comic Con.

9 thoughts on “Planet Comic Con!!

  1. Cons are always a lot of fun. You are so right about the pictures though. It’s crazy the amount of money they sometimes dare to ask for those. I hope you will have fun. It’s awesome that you are going to meet Jason 😀


  2. Pingback: New Kitty, Trips + more! Welcome 2018 | Bizarre Brunette

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