Selling My 360; Embracing the One

My gaming has consisted of solving a murder in Murdered Soul Suspect and attempting to stop Ganondorf in Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. As I have gotten older, it’s much more difficult to play video games. I try my best to cram thirty minutes for gaming on my 3DS, but working longer hours gets in the way. Besides bills, moving home has made me busy along with organizing my boyfriend’s belongings. He moved home with me because he accepted a job in the Minneapolis area. The boyfriend is a huge gamer so he has his own Xbox 360 and Xbox One which means I didn’t need my white Xbox 360 from 2008. I had two options: I could keep my 360 because it does hold a lot of great gaming memories or I could sell it. I hate clutter, so I made the choice of selling my Xbox 360 to GameStop.

I don’t regret selling my 360 because I didn’t need it anymore. I will never forget the excitement I had in Christmas 2007 when I unwrapped the Xbox 360. When I sold my 360, I ended up having $69 dollars in store credit to spend. Here’s my Gamestop haul:

Link Poster

[Image shows a poster laying flat. The poster features Link holding a bow and arrow]

I got this poster for free because the Gamestop employee found it in the back and gave it to me. I plan on buying a frame for it and hanging it in my future apartment.

Code Name: S.T.E.A.M

[Image shows a cover of a video game. "The cover is Code Name S.T.E.A.M"]

This game features the voice work of Wil Wheaton and the art is inspired by comics. What more could you want from a video game?


[Image shows a video game cover for Deadpool. Deadpool is giving a thumbs up]

I don’t know how great this game will be, but it looks like Wolverine and Psylocke may appear at some point so I’m looking forward to that.

Lego Marvel Super Heroes

[Image is a video game cover. The video game is LEGO Marvel Super Heroes]

LEGO games are underrated and usually keep me busy for a good chunk of time.

Life is Strange

[This is a video game cover for Life is Strange]

My friend played this game on Steam and loved it. This means a lot since my friend typically isn’t a gamer. After Murdered Soul Suspect, this is the next game that I will be playing.

Sonic Boom Fire & Ice

[Image is a video game cover for Sonic Boom Fire & Ice]

The last game I purchased is this Sonic game. I remember being a young kid watching my brother play a Sonic the Hedgehog PC game. I have a soft spot for any Sonic game.

I’m glad to have new games to play! I hope to post reviews of these games soon.

10 thoughts on “Selling My 360; Embracing the One

  1. That post though!! Gorgeous 🙂 I’ve never heard of Life is Strange. What is like? It might be up my alley….I too get to play games about as often as it sounds like you do though. Darn adult responsibilities.


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